DarkHeart Productions
0:00 PM
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The Terms of Use are pretty straight foward!
Terms of Use on Free for Profit Beats
Beats produced by me are only permitted use on SoundCloud and YouTube. Any other platforms such as Spotify are subject to takedown without notice! Distribution is also not permitted as it copyrights videos I own as well as others who have actually used it correctly.
Terms of Use on Downloading
Any downloaded beat from this website, may not be reuploaded or reposted as is unless permission is granted. The beats may not be redistributed in any form including but not limited to: encrypted files; videos; music files; etc. These beats are for creation of videos (background music) and musical works. Attribution is required for every use! Failure to comply with these terms can result in take down of videos and / or lawsuit action.
Terms of Use on Submission
Upon submitting a beat or song, the content must be owned by you. If the content is not owned by you, and you would like to submit it and have it uploaded, you must have written (in PDF) permission by its owner. If you submit content and it is copyrighted, without permission from it's (the beat or song) owner, you get marked down for it. If you are marked down three (3) times, you will never be permitted to use our service again.
You may send as many beats or songs as you please, but do not send the same one twice. You may be suspended from service for spam.
Terms of Use on Other Services We Provide
The other services we provide (in the "more" page) is your responsibility for any copyrights obtained for the use of our services. The services provided work on "User Inputs", users input their own data, and keeps the "User" solely responsible for any claims on copyrighted content created with the services.